注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

students taking notes during lecture

Middle School Education Major

Become a middle school teacher

你对教学有热情吗?喜欢和儿童和青少年一起工作吗? 中学生需要理解他们正在经历的许多变化的老师 as they transition between childhood and adulthood. Earn your bachelor's degree in 中学教育来自SBU,在教师的领先生产商之一 地区.

作为一名中学教育专业的学生,你将在密苏里州获得认证 to teach grades 5-9. 通过在当地学校的课程学习和课堂体验, 我们为您做好准备,满足学生的需求,确保他们的成功.

作为我们中学教育计划的一部分,你将选择一个内容领域 certification.

Content area choices include:

  • Language arts
  • Mathematics
  • 科学
  • Social Studies
  • Speech/Theatre

You are encouraged to pursue a minor in your content area. You also can become certified in more than one of our middle school content areas. Having certification in multiple areas makes you more versatile in the job market.

中学教育学位是通过SBU提供的 College of Professional Programs

The SBU Advantage

  • SBU's middle school education graduates have achieved a 100% 过去六年在四个核心认证考试中有三个通过率 content areas (language arts, science and social studies). A 100% 在过去的六年里,数学考试有五年达到通过率,其中 an overall pass rate of 93% for all middle school content areas over the past six years.
  • 100% SBU的小学教育教师候选人通过了密苏里州职前教师考试 Assessment (MoPTA) completed during student teaching.
  • 花时间在玻利瓦尔公立学校在他们晚起的周三受益 professional development opportunities.
  • 早在大一的时候就有机会参与到实地体验中来 最后是你大四那年的学生教学经历.
  • 向来自不同教育背景的专家学习 以及专业背景,包括公立学校、私立学校和家庭学校.
  • 教师们致力于帮助你取得成功,并将与你一对一地工作 完善你的简历,寻找工作,在其他州获得教学证书, 等.


pass rate

(Pass rate on all middle school content area
certification 考试s over the past six years.)

信仰 Integration

基督教信仰与教育课程的有意整合是与众不同的 SBU's education department. Christian principles are discussed in the classroom and 适用于教育策略、哲学和最佳实践. At SBU, we approach 以基督教世界观为基础的教育和教学.

作为SBU的教育专业学生,你将面临挑战,认为你的工作更有挑战性 than just teacher but also role model and servant leader. You will learn to view the 作为宣教场,受过良好训练的基督教教师在这里拼命地工作 需要.

教职员在他们所行的一切事上,活出他们自己与基督同行的生命 ——在课堂上,在导师面前,在同事面前,在为大学服务时, community and their local churches.


雇主需要我们的毕业生,并经常打电话要求他们. Our education alumni have been hired as:

  • Public school teachers
  • Private school teachers
  • Preschool teachers
  • Daycare center administrators and teachers
  • International school teachers
  • Military base teachers
  • Missionaries
  • Camp ministry leaders
  • Christian camp recruitment leaders
  • Children’s ministers

Graduate Schools

在SBU学习教育的一个优势是可以获得SBU杰出的硕士学位 and doctorate degree programs in education. Many students begin their teaching careers 同时在SBU继续深造,获得以下学位之一 programs:

Katie Coen
“我的教授们在学术上挑战我,但他们也在人际关系上挑战我 and spiritually. Their influence pushed me to work hard during college. When I graduated, 我知道,毫无疑问,我已经准备好进入我的教师生涯."
Katie Coen '14
科学 teacher at Carthage Junior High School (Mo.)

Student Missouri State Teachers Association

作为一名中学教育专业的学生,我们鼓励你加入SBU学生分会 密苏里州教师协会(SMSTA)受益于专业发展 为你未来的教学生涯做准备,提供交流的机会.


由于慷慨的捐助者,有超过4万美元的私人资助奖学金 annually by application to education students.

此外,我们鼓励你申请各种竞争性奖学金 每年由密苏里州农村协会等外部组织公布 教育奖学金(每年全州范围内3到5个1000美元的奖学金)或Jack J. Isgur基金会奖学金(全州每年约35美元,3,000美元).

Admission and Certification

录取初等教育和中等教育学位课程 at SBU is contingent on a cumulative GPA of 2.75. You must also pass all sections of the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA).

SBU的教育部门每年都从教育部获得项目批准 密苏里州中小学教育局(DESE). Program approval 目前SBU毕业生可以申请并获得教师资格证书吗 in Missouri.

一旦你有了最初的密苏里州教学证书,你可以添加其他领域 通过参加并通过适当的考试获得认证. For 考试ple, many 小学教育专业的学生参加幼儿教育考试来增加认证 从出生到三年级,允许他们在幼儿园,日托中心教书 or kindergarten classrooms. 许多中学教育专业的学生选择额外的课程 content area certifications.

许多学生对成为合格的特殊教育教师感兴趣. 这两个 初等教育和中等教育专业的学生将接受该课程 以及通过教育心理学等课程对这条职业道路有所帮助的培训, 多样化学习者的教学与学习者的评估与评价. You then would 有能力参加并通过特殊教育认证考试. This would 给你更大的职业灵活性,因为你可以被认证为初级教师 or middle school teacher and as a special education teacher.